Wednesday, June 30, 2010

White Tantra Healing Practices for Health, Longevity & Sexual Revitalization

Kudos - Honor and Respect - to the Dakini Arorah Hsien Hsuan, the author of the information quoted extensively below.  For more information on the Dakini Arorah Hsien Hsuan, and her Healing practice in the Boston, Massachusetts area, I encourage you to visit her website (from which I quote much of the following information) at

The following information is meant to give you a short introduction to an elite sect of TANTRA sexual and spiritual practices dating back 3,000 years.  Until recently, most of these teachings were kept secret or taught only to a few initiates. In 1986, Hsi Lai, a practicing Taoist and Tai Chi master, began studying with one of the few living female Taoist Immortaless’ in Taiwan.  Years of study later, she gave him permission to record and teach this knowledge to westerners. He has since published several books on many of the techniques, philosophies, and healing arts of the ancient Taoists.  For anyone interested in a more in-depth study of the information I am about to give, I refer you to The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress and The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon by Hsi Lai. 

Taoism (pronounced Dow-ism) was the first indigenous philosophy of China.
The word Tao means "The Way".   At it's heart, Taoism presents a harmonious way of living created by balancing the natural forces of "Yin" and "Yang". Yin-Yang is a symbolic representation of universal process that portrays a changing rather than a static picture of reality. All parts of reality as we observe it can be classified under the title of being Yin or Yang.  Here are a few simplified examples:

Yang is hot
Yang is full
Yang is dry
Yang is bright
Yang moves outward
Yang is more male
Yin is cold
Yin is empty
Yin is wet
Yin is dark
Yin moves inward
Yin is more female
The harmony and balance of these forces are what Taoists believe create a healthy, fulfilling and peaceful life.  A life with these forces out of balance creates disease, chaos, and death. The writings that were the foundation from which early Taoist practices and philosophy were built came from three sources. Lao Tzu who is said to be the author of The Tao Te Ching, Huang Ti, who wrote The Yellow Emperor=s Internal Medicine Classic, and Ko Hung the author of Pao P’u Tzu. Over the years these writings have been interpreted in many different ways leading to a division of sects, schools and divergent practices.  The more traditional schools recognized three distinct practices in Taoism. They are:
1.  Internal AlchemyBthe process of forming the elixir of immortality.
2.  Meditation-the method of achieving tranquility and the Tao.
3.  Hygiene PracticesBphysical restoration methods and yoga.
(A fourth practice that was less common involved shamanism and Geomancy or Feng Shui.)

The techniques and philosophies that created WHITE TANTRA HEALING  adhere to these three practices.  Beginning first with sexual regeneration, then spiritual alchemy, and lastly the contemplative philosophy (meditation).  These will be referred to as White/Taoist Tantric practices, not to be confused with Red/Hindu Tantric practices.

This lineage can be traced to records written as far back as 1748, but the oral tradition was handed down centuries before these writings.  This practice came from an elite line of female Dakinis, courtesans and consorts who claim to have received their teachings from the Immortaless  Hsi Wang Mu (Western Royal Mother) who is considered the heavenly keeper of the Peach of Immortality.  Three of her women were said to have taught Huang Ti (The Yellow Emperor) everything he needed to know sexually for restoring youthfulness and achieving immortality.

What does it mean to achieve immortality?

The concept of immortality has several meanings depending on the school which one adheres to. For our purposes let me quote The Sexual Teaching of the Jade Dragon.
"The most practical meaning [of immortality] is that a person lives beyond one hundred years in good health or as the Chinese say, >retaining youthfulness within old age=...immortality carries the ideas of living with optimum health, living longer while maintaining a youthful physical appearance and disposition, and achieving lucid consciousness upon death."
Immortality was very important to these early Taoists as they valued an aged person who is still vital and young in mind far more than someone still in their youth. “Living long with no aging” gave a person more time to achieve their spiritual goals and it added to a fuller life experience.  One way to achieve immortality was to practice restoring and conserving sexual energy or what the Taoist call "Ching."

The Tao is called the Great Mother
empty yet inexhaustible
it gives birth to infinite worlds.

It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.

                        From the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Taoists say: "sex is the reason we are born and it is the reason we die."  What they mean by this is that it was sexual energy that gave us life and it is the misuse of sexual energy that causes premature aging, illness, and eventually death.

To understand how to achieve immortality we must look closely at three energies that the Taoist call the Three Treasures.  The Three Treasures are our essential life energies that create everything physical, mental, and spiritual.

· The first treasure is "Ching" or "Jing"energy.  Ching is our sexual and physical energy and is related to P'o or Earth Spirit energy.  It's physical manifestation is the sperm, the egg, as well as the whole body. Ching=s primordial energy is to motivate us to procreate and be sexual.  It is expressed in the blood and sexual fluids of both sexes.  The emotional expression for Ching is sensuality and giving.

· The second treasure is "Qi" or "Chi" or often called "Kundalini energy".  This is our breath and vital energy.  We could not live even a moment without Qi.  Qi animates the physical body and activates the mental function. It also animates and attracts us to be sexual.  The physical expression of Qi is through the orifices of the mouth and penis for men, and mouth and nipples for women.  The emotional expression of Qi is passion and kindness.

· The third treasure is "Shen", the mind and spirit energy.  Shen relates to the Heavenly Spirit or Hun.  It has to do with our spiritual existence and creates the consciousness of sexuality.  Shen is expressed through the eyes, and this is where the saying "the eyes are the windows of the soul" comes from.  Both compassion and wisdom are the emotional expressions of Shen.

A Taoist could not achieve immortality without fortifying these three treasures.  Each treasure builds upon the next.  Ching is needed to create Qi (kundalini).  Qi is needed to build Shen.  In that order.  But there is a limit to the amount of Qi (life energy) we have.  We are born with a certain amount and when that Qi is used up the body can no longer exist and we die.

Fortunately, Ching can be cultivated and made stronger.  The Taoists found if they could increase their Ching they could restore and revitalize their Qi.  When a person's Qi was strong enough it activated Shen (spirit) and illumination of the mind/spirit was attained.  For this reason, the conserving and gathering of Ching was of utmost importance to a Taoist seeking longevity and spiritual enlightenment.

So how does a person increase their Ching ?

Before we can begin to look at ways to increase sexual energy, we must first look at the ways we loose sexual energy. A woman loses Ching every time she has her period.  A man loses his Ching every time he ejaculates.  To conserve Ching, a man must decrease (not eliminate) the amount of times he ejaculates and a woman's needs to decrease (not eliminate) her menstrual flow.  Some texts on Taoist sexology state that a woman needs to limit her orgasms to conserve her Ching.  This perspective comes from a male centered philosophy that has mistakenly treated a woman’s restoration the same way as a man’s.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Females Taoists know that orgasms do not deplete a woman's Ching.  Rather, by using certain techniques, she can make full use of it's energy to benefit her health and well-being.

Conservation of sexual energy is only one part of the equation.  For full physical restoration and revitalization a person needs to do more than just conserve his/her Ching.  One must also practice methods to build and cultivate it.  The techniques for doing are different for men and women.
Sexually speaking, Taoist view men and women as equal partners.  To restore youthfulness and vitality, each must capture in the other what is lacking in themselves.  Men tend to be more yang in nature; their sexual energy tends to be more active and external.  A woman is more yin in her nature and therefore her sexual energy leans towards receptivity and internal experience.  One need only glance at male and female genitalia to find legitimacy in this theory. To restore his sexual vitality a man must seek out yin experiences.  For a woman to restore her youthfulness and vitality she must seek out yang energy.  It is by looking beyond our inherent natures we find methods and techniques that bring greater longevity and health.

“The first and most important task of any self-cultivator, regardless of his chosen tradition or practice is to either maintain or revitalize his heath.”
--Hsi  Lai
It is a common belief among Taoists that a man’s good health is directly related to his sexual energy and capabilities.  And without optimum sexual energy (Ching) there is insufficient internal energy to forge what is called the Elixir of Immortality, which is the result of accumulating and refining Ching and Qi. It would follow then that the first priority of any practicing male Taoist seeking long-term health and vitality was to have strong Ching. Strong Ching was defined as having:

· A strong erection and a fully functional Jade Stem (penis)
· Healthy and abundant semen
· A healthy sexual appetite
· The ability to achieve multiple orgasms

These abilities are usually plentiful in a man’s youth but over time they will diminish unless he  consciously cultivates them.

The Taoists used safe and simple techniques to increase their Ching.  They included:

· The Eight Jade Dragon Exercises
· Herbal Supplements
· Proper Diet
· Proper Breathing and Exercise
· Hygiene Practices
· Conservation of semen
· Increasing semen volume
· Proper Sexual Practices and Behavior
· Tantric Massage
· Cultivating Tranquility

These techniques took dedication and discipline to practice, but had many rewards.  Even if a man is not seeking immortality, these methods can greatly enhance his pleasure and that of his partner.  I will briefly explain each of these methods and their purpose.

“No man should ever just sit back and think he is sexually perfect, because there is always room for improvement and the older he gets the more help he needs to maintain his sexual prowess.  It is only common sense that men would want to accomplish all this naturally and safely, and that is exactly what the Jade Dragon methods are: natural and safe.” 
                                                --The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon

Contrary to what most magazines tell you, the size of the penis is not what matters most in sex.  A strong full erection is much more important because this means that Ching has gathered abundantly in the Jade Stem. Even a man with a strong, full erection can make it stronger and fuller by practicing the Eight Jade Dragon Exercises. The Taoists used these exercises to enlarge and thicken their Jade Stem (penis) and Dragon Head (glans penis).  This gave them the opportunity to perform sexually to their fullest potential and had the added psychological benefit of making them feel sexually powerful.  While the penis is active during sex, nothing in the sexual encounter helps a man increase the girth and size of his penis.  He must be like a body builder and spend time doing exercises to strengthen and enlarge his penis muscle.  Erections are simply engorgement of the penis chambers with blood and the more room you make for the blood, the larger, longer, and thicker the penis will become. The Jade Dragon Exercises use specific methods to gradually allow the penis to accept more blood.  Men who have practiced these exercises on a regular basis have reported they have increased the size and girth of their penis by two inches. Adding the application of herbal supplements to these exercises make them even more effective.

Amongst traditional Taoists, herbs and the knowledge of herbs were essential ingredients for fostering longevity.  Drugs, like Viagra, while they do give a man an erection, do nothing to build his Ching or help his symptoms long term.  However, used correctly, herbs can build a man’s sexual energy and increase his stamina long into his later years.  Taoists started taking herbs during their thirties and continued doing so throughout their lives.  Herbs taken specifically to help restore Ching helped to:
· Enlarge and thicken the penis
· Create stronger erections and stamina
· Increase semen volume (thus increasing the length of orgasm)
· Improve the quality of the semen
· Give multiple orgasms
· Increase overall sexual desire and energy
One popular herbal formula was named The Joyful Dragon because the Dragon was another name for the penis.  Another formula that aided in a stronger erection was known as Dragon Horn.  An herb taken regularly by Taoists was Ginseng or ren shen also known as “the king of herbs”.  Ginseng is said to aid in dispersing Qi to the meridians and organs.  White American ginseng, being more yin, reduces heat in the lungs and is considered best for increasing sexual energy.  Chinese red ginseng is known for increasing semen quality.  When deciding on what herbs to buy, it is important to find fresh herbs formulated correctly.  Your neighborhood health store would have information and products formulated for sexual vitality. I have seen good results with New Chapter’s Native Man. A Chinese herbalist (if you are lucky enough to have one in your area) can also be very helpful in finding the right herbs to increase Ching.  Tao Traditions makes very effective herbal supplements for men (and women).  Their website is
Healthy caution should be administered when taking herbs.  While herbs are a natural substance, more is not necessarily better.  In fact, the rule of thumb for taking herbs is to take them for six days, then skip one day.  Do this for six weeks, then skip one week.  Continue this cycle for 6 months, then skip one month.  Repeat this cycle again or take as needed.  Because herbs are reestablishing the body’s natural intelligence, it is important to give them at least 6-9 months to work.  Also, when taking restorative herbs, discontinue using them if you get a cold or flu.  Bacteria and viruses are made stronger by these herbs.  Restorative herbs like ginseng will actually feed your cold.  Therefore, only take these herbs when you are well.

In the U.S. we all know that eating fresh and well-prepared foods and drinking pure water help prevent disease and create strong healthy bodies.  Taoists would also advise not to consume too many processed (dead) foods and foods that contain sugar.  Sugar depletes sexual energy and over time can adversely affect a person Qi.  Likewise, too much caffeine will drain the adrenal glands robbing them of beneficial Qi and leaving you bankrupt in your old age.  Nicotine has been proven to adversely affect blood flow to the penis and can cause impotence. Drugs will, over a short period of time, cause all kinds of sexual dysfunctions in a man.  Alcohol, when consumed moderately, helps to increase sexual desire.  But if consumed to the point of drunkenness dulls the mind and can also cause sexual dysfunctions.  It is best to limit oneself to one or two drinks before sexual activity.


Breath is Qi and Qi is breath.  It would be impossible to build and cultivate Qi without paying attention to the breath.  Breath exercises, therefore, were applied in all Tantric and meditative practices.  The four main types of breath control used were, cleansing breath, natural breathing, tortoise breathing, and immortal breathing.

The practice of Tai Chi and Qigong was another way the Taoists added years on to their lives.  Tai Chi exercises help to stimulate and accumulate Qi in all the major systems in the body as well as restoring youthful flexibility. It is also a form of meditation which helps too calm and center the mind.
Qigong exercises also help to restore Ching, Qi and Shen. A set of Qigong exercises, The Eight Brocades were at the center of the Taoist’s quest for longevity and vitality.  Master Li Ching-yun, who is chronicled to have lived beyond 250 years, practiced these exercises daily and wrote them down so that others could benefit from their practice.

Great care was taken in Taoist’s Tantric practices to create a mood and an atmosphere that allowed for intensity and passion.  For this reason they engaged as many of the senses in their love making as possible.  Sight, sounds, smells, tastes, touch—all were important elements designed to give greater pleasure and intensity to their partners. Fresh sheets and fresh flowers were laid out. Incense burned, while they listened to their favorite music; candlelight, delicious food and drink all added to the sensuality of the encounter. Bathing was also a part of this ritual as a clean body was more desirable and inviting. A man would carefully clean himself and put on cologne (as would his partner) to make his body pleasing.

It was also important to shave the pubic and groin area. There were three reasons for this. The first was that when the pubic hair was removed it was easier to keep that area clean (pubic hair holds bacteria, oils, and excrement). With the pubic hair removed, his partner would take more pleasure in the oral arts of sex. The second reason for shaving was that it sent restorative signals to the body, triggering adolescent responses making him feel more youthful and energetic.  The Third value of shaving was esthetic. It made the penis look bigger and younger.

Men who ejaculate often age much more rapidly than men who conserve their Ching. Symptoms of excessive dissipation are, having dribbling ejaculations, thin, clear, runny semen and testicles that hang low and sag.  The indications of healthy semen are hard, spurting ejaculations, pure white, thick consistency with a pleasant taste. Taoists interested in restoration and revitalization saw the benefit of using their will power to limit the frequency of ejaculation. They knew that having less but more intense orgasms brought about greater bliss and fuller satisfaction for themselves and their partner.  Conserving their Ching also increased the volume and quality of semen which had the added dimension of impressing his partner. The more semen a man ejaculates, the more his partner views herself as having really fulfilled him. The rule of thumb for masturbation was to ejaculate only once in every three masturbations. The other two times, stop before the sensation of climax occurs and simply relax until the urge to climax disappears.

The Yellow Emperor’s Plain Girl Classic says this about ejaculation:

“Upon the first sensation of ejaculation, if you control it correctly, you will strengthen yourself and enhance your virility.  Here are the benefits of restraining ejaculations:

· Restraining the second ejaculation will clear the ears and eyes.
· Restraining the third ejaculation will rid the joints and muscles of the body of soreness and ailment.
· Restraining the fourth ejaculation will strengthen the five internal organs.
· Restraining the fifth ejaculation will regulate all the pulses of the body.
· Restraining the sixth ejaculation will strengthen the spine and waist.
· Restraining the seventh ejaculation will strengthen the buttocks and thighs.
· Restraining the eighth ejaculation will bring youthful color to the skin and a smooth, robust complexion.
· Restraining the ninth ejaculation will naturally increase longevity.
· Restraining the tenth ejaculation will lead you to immorality.”
 Diet, taking herbal supplements, and exercise also play an important role in controlling ejaculation.

Besides taking herbs, practicing the Jade Dragon exercises, and limiting the frequency of ejaculation, there were still other methods for increasing the volume and quality of semen.  They were:
· Soak the scrotum in cold tap water for three minutes for thirty days. Discontinue for thirty days and then soak the scrotum again for thirty days. Continue this cycle for a full year. This method doubles the amount of semen a man normally produces, especially if he is taking herbs and practicing the Jade Dragon exercises.

· Every day place a slice of red ginseng in your mouth until it dissolves.
· Eat two ounces of crushed walnuts a day for sixty days. Wait ninety days and then resume eating the walnuts again. Continue as needed.  This helps restore sexual energy, strengthen erections and increase semen quantity.

· Eat cinnamon sticks, licorice root, and fresh pineapple to make semen taste better.
· Limit dairy products and sugar as they make the semen taste bitter or rancid.
· Let your partner see you ejaculate (rather than ejaculate inside her or in a condom).  Do this on her body. It is very healthy for women and it creates an important psychological response in both partners as the male will want to ejaculate more semen and his partner will  want to draw more semen from him. This will make the orgasm more intense and visible for both partners.

Another benefit of increasing the quantity of semen for a man is that his orgasms will last longer, be more intense, and he will have the ability to have multiple ejaculations in one love making session. The benefits for his partner are that she will feel more stimulated and excited by the amount of semen he ejaculates as well as feel good about herself for having really fulfilled him.

It is often the case in long term relationships that sex becomes less frequent and also less interesting.  If sexual energy dwindles so does the health of both partners. Taoists took great measures to insure sexual desire and intensity was continuously fostered in their relationships.  Some of the methods were different for each partner, some were similar. I will give a few important examples here, but be aware that there is much to be learned on this subject.
One of the most important lessons the Taoists taught regarding men in all sexual situations, is to maintain the utmost respect for the woman’s feelings, satisfaction, and comfort.  They make the analogy that a woman is like a rose that has not yet opened.  How does one open the rose without harming the petals?  This is where understanding the arts of the bedchamber paid off the most.

Let me quote from the 3,000 year old Plain Girl Classic.  This was the sexual advice given to the failing Yellow Emperor seeking revitalization and longevity.  Plain Girl states:
“Sex between males and females is a natural act that determines and produces a higher quality of life.  If sexual activity is practiced in accordance with the principles of yin and yang, the male will greatly enhance both his prowess and energy and the female can eradicate illnesses and restore her youthfulness.  Both the male and female can experience inner joy, live in good health, and be full of enlivened spirit. However, if they do not maintain the principles of yin and yang within there sexual activity, their bodies will suffer imbalances and be hastened toward deterioration…
“Sexual activity is never to be considered as an end in itself, as it is but part of a larger scheme designed to develop love and the natural exchange of male and female sexual energies.  All sexual activity should be embarked on first with mutual respect, love, and great anticipation….each partner must have the proper attitude and feeling to fully experience the activity.  It is for this reason that sexual activity must be undertaken with an attitude of harmony and gentleness.  Approach everything slowly and with awareness of what is taking place.  Make a concerted effort to feel and sense the actuality of the other person’s energy and sensation… All violent or hard movements must be avoided if the heights of pleasure and joy are to be attained…
“When a man seeks to have sexual activity with a woman he should always prepare himself mentally by approaching it slowly and in a progressive manner.  But the most important thing is to calm the mind; once that occurs the Jade Stem will stand and remain erect.
“The man must also observe the Five Empowerments: kindness, proper conduct, manners, knowledge, and sincerity.  Along with these he must know how to properly stimulate her Nine Erogenous Areas. Then, when expressing his sexual desire for her, he will be able to show his full appreciation for her Five Beautiful Qualities and so benefit from the union.  With all these, a new stamina and vigor will fill his entire body.”
                                                            -- From Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress

The Plain Girl was hinting at the secrets that few men know about women, partly because men assume a woman’s sexuality is like theirs. And because little knowledge is given to women about their sexuality, a woman may try to be like a man in they way she approaches sex.  Every man is different in the way he approaches sex and how he needs stimulation.  Likewise, every woman is different in her approach to sex and how she can be satisfied. Part of the reason for this has to do with the type of body a person has.  For instance, there are 8 different penis types and 5 different glans penis types in men. In women there are 3 different clitoral types, 8 different vagina types, and 5 different areola types. Each type has its own distinct sexual expression and needs.   This is why sex seems like such a mystery to most of us, and it is.  Each person is a flower waiting to be opened.

Western sexual practices have been unaware of what Taoists knew thousands of years ago: there are potent medicines in a man and a woman’s body that, when retrieved during sex, regenerate and revitalize both partners. These are known as The Three Peak Medicines. During intense sexual stimulation and activity, a female produces three valuable secretions in her body and the male produces two.

The High Peak medicine emits from two small cavities beneath the tongue (on both the male and female).  Combining this medicine with a man’s Dragon Rain (pre-ejaculation fluid) and saliva was known as the Great Medicine for the female.  For the male the woman’s High Peak medicine brought prolongation of life. The Middle Peak medicine was also called the “Peach of Immortality”.  It is a sweet-tasting secretion that emits from a cavity on the underside of the nipples. The Lower Peak medicine is a very thick, white  substance secreted during orgasm and found under the clitoris. These medicines are considered very restorative for both the male and female.

A man also secrets the High Peak medicine under his tongue and his Lower Peak medicines include both the Dragon Rain (pre-ejaculation fluid) and semen. These fluids are very valuable to a woman wishing to advance her restoration process and build her Qi. The practice of oral sex was essential to Taoists who wanted to retrieve these medicines and make use of their restorative powers.

Intercourse was approached very carefully so as not to cause pain or injury to the woman.  Special techniques were practiced to help give greater pleasure and to assure that the union benefitted both partners. Many of these techniques were used to heal and restore the organs and Qi.  Advanced techniques, known as “Transformational Sexual Methods” were practiced only with a trusted partner, as they had very powerful psycho/spiritual effects. One of these methods was the massaging of the Kundalini gland, which is located about three inches on the back side of the anus. This was a very powerful exercise and needed some preparation to practice if one was seeking to use it for illumination.

Learning the proper methods of breathing during sexual activity was also something that could greatly benefit one’s health. In the Secrets of  the Jade Chamber it states that “a man should put forth great effort in expanding his abdomen with his breath during sexual activity so that he may increase his physical strength and stamina.  So when the woman is stimulating his Jade Stem with either her Red Lotus or Jade Gate, he is to take a deep breath, hold it for a count of thirty, and then exhale. He should repeat this several times. This will ensure he maintains a hard erection.”
To learn more about Taoist Tantric practices, read The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon, and The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress

“Women who practice this Tantric Healing Massage give something that cannot be gotten any other way. All it takes is a man to be with them one time to find this out.”
                                                                                                --Hsi Lai

Healing Tao Tantric Massage is a unique Tantric method known to rejuvenate and revitalize a person Ching (sexual energy) and Qi (life force) or Kundalini energy.  This sensual and effective massage was first created for the Emperors of China to help increase their stamina, vitality and longevity.  Most Emperors had many wives, concubines, and consorts who depended on him to maintain a strong libidinal constitution for healthy offspring and personal pleasure.  Massage helped to stimulate his vital energies, while also giving him a relaxing and luxurious respite from his daily duties.

This massage was meant to be as pleasurable and sensual as possible.  For this reason, trust and a positive attitude were necessary elements for its success. A female Taoist or consort who practiced giving this massage was taught to always approach it with great sincerity, kindness, and passion. Every aspect of a person's senses were to be taken into account and made use of.

This Taoist Tantric massage was taught to my teacher by a female Taoist Immortaless who entrusted him with centuries of secret Taoist knowledge and techniques.  I have been very lucky to be one of a few in the United States to have learned these methods. It has been with my teacher's trust and encouragement that I  began my massage practice.

The massage begins by relaxing the muscles and joints, known as Chin Sung and focusing on breathing into the "Tan Tien" (abdomen and lower back). Unique and specific techniques are used to knead and open blood flow in the joints and muscles of the body. This helps to release stagnant Qi which can then be used to awaken Ching and move it into channels that benefit revitalization.
When we are "stressed out" our valuable life force (Qi) is being wasted on thoughts and emotions that steal our vitality and give us nothing back.  When we breathe correctly and relax, this frees lost energy which returns to us to feed our organs and cells. This is why we begin the massage with breathing and relaxation.  In this way Taoist say we can turn stress into vitality.

The second part of the Healing Tao Massage is what makes this practice unique. Again, using specific massage techniques we warm and stimulate what the Taoists call the 12 cavities and Eight Subtle Qi Meridians including the Jen Mo Meridian. The Eight Meridians are not meridians normally associated with acupuncture. Just two of thesethe Control meridian and Function meridianBhave associated acupuncture points along their paths. These Eight Subtle Meridians are the channels in which Ching is accumulated and mobilized. When the Eight Subtle Meridians are obstructed, neither Ching nor Qi can move through the channels properly.  The stimulation of these subtle meridians is crucial for revitalization. The techniques used to do this are known as Qi Chu (Qi Stimulation) and Ching Hsing (Activating Sexual Energy).

The benefits of having this massage done regularly cannot be underestimated. Subtle but powerful shifts in a person's energy level can be experienced, as well as the ability to cope better with stress.  A person may notice increased vitality and stamina. There is no indication of being depleted or drained like a person sometimes feels after a long massage. This elegant massage is an exquisite sensual/spiritual journey providing profound physical/mental relaxation and liberation from stress, which then allows for an overall intense, heightened, and blissful experience. After completing this massage one feels centered, peaceful and filled with balanced, productive energy.

“One cannot avoid life by hiding in the mountains, because life
exists there as well.  But one can avoid the disturbance of the external
world by remaining centered and calm like a  mountain.”
                                                -- I Ching by Hua-Ching Ni

The idea of cultivating tranquility is rather foreign to most westerners. We believe that more is better and that each second of the day should be filled with doing things and fulfilling obligations. Taking leisure time seems like something lazy people might do. Every moment must have a purpose to it, otherwise we are wasting our lives.

For the Taoists seeking to live a long life, nothing takes them further away from that goal than too much activity and too little tranquility. It was important to stop and take time everyday to be quiet and still. Leaving the turbidity of daily life meant restoring their Qi. There is really nothing that restores and accumulates Qi as well as sitting in tranquility. Meditation was paramount to their restoration and spiritual practice as it cultivated their yin energy like nothing else.

Our goal, if there is one, in meditation is to 1) breathe and 2) observe. We have been breathing since the day we were born, so it’s something we know we can do. For just a few minutes a day we give ourselves one job, one task and that is to breathe and watch the breath. When we do this our mind begins to quiet down and our bodies begin to relax.

Here is a simple meditation:

Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your back straight.  Close your eyes and bring your attention to the lower abdomen (about 3 fingers below the navel). Without forcing anything, take a breath in and then exhale. On the exhalation count (to yourself) “one”. Inhale again and on the next exhalation, count “two”. Continue this simple exercise up to the count of ten and then repeat.
You will find that it will be almost impossible to focus only on your breath. Your thoughts will want to distract you. So this is what you do:  give each incoming thought a simple label like, “I am thinking about food”, “ I am thinking about work,”  “I am feeling sensation in my back”, etc. After you have given the thought a label, let the thought go and then return to counting and following the breath.
Start this practice by sitting for about 3-5 minutes. Eventually, try sitting up to 20 minutes or longer. But if you can only practice this meditation for 3 minutes a day, you will find that it still has great benefits. For one thing you will begin to see what your thoughts are and how your thoughts create the reality you call your life. What we put our attention on grows. Meditation gives us the chance to start to release thoughts that create negativity and death in our lives and replace them with thoughts that create health and tranquility.

To increase her sexual energy and to restore and preserve youthfulness a female Taoists would practice the following techniques:

· Shaving the Pubic Area (to re-create physical adolescent likeness)
· Reducing the Length of Her Period
· Reducing Sexual Intercourse
· Increasing Oral Sex
· Intensifying Her Orgasms
· Producing Saliva
· Restoring the Breasts
· Restoring the Ovaries
· Tightening the Vagina
· Breath Exercises for Increasing Sexual Energy
· Willow Waist Exercises  (Qigong)
· Herbal Supplements
· Yoga (backbends and headstands)
· Peach Brandy
· Transformational Techniques
· Tantric Massage
· Cultivating Tranquility (Meditation)

One of the biggest differences in this particular sect of Taoist Tantric practice for women was the practice of reducing the frequency of intercourse. A woman who wanted to restore her youthful looks and sexual energy needed to first reduce the amount of intercourse she had.  There were very good reasons for this:

            “Too much intercourse ruins the entire genital area, causing the skin color of the labia and pubic mound to darken, dries up the internal sexual secretions, and creates sacs that hang downward from the vulva.  Too much intercourse may cause premature graying and loss of pubic hair, sagging of the breasts, widening of the hips, flattening of the buttocks, aging spots on the body, vaginal cysts, yeast infections and cervical cancer, and also aid in easy infection of STDs…Intercourse is very hard on a woman’s body, and over an extended period of time it takes its toll on her entire physical appearance and health. All contact with the vagina should be approached with the idea of not damaging it, and women and men should always seek to be gentle with it…The verse ‘stimulate the lotus but do not harm the petals’ was recited for good reason.”
                                                            --Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress

This did not mean that women stopped having intercourse all together, but limited its frequency and made sure that any insertion in the vagina was done with care. Intercourse brings more blood to the vagina and uterus, and therefore increasing the length of a woman’s period which is how a woman loses her Ching (sexual energy).

A female Taoist would rather practice the oral arts of love making, finding it to have many benefits to help her build and accumulate Ching. Some of the benefits include:

· Absorbing the Dragon’s Breath and Dragon Jade.
· Increasing the production of saliva which is full of nutrients that benefit the body.
· Finding power in submissiveness.
· Remembering oral fixations of youth.
· Bringing more blood to the face and exercising the facial muscles.
· Creating greater sexual energy and more intense orgasms for both partners.
· Swelling the breasts because of  hormonal effects on the milk glands.
· Stimulating the thyroid gland.
· Creating deeper breathing.
· Releasing hormones in the endocrine system which leads to increased Qi throughout the whole body.
      “What orthodox Taoism chose to ignore is that females cannot accomplish intense levels of stimulation through intercourse. A woman achieves her highest states of sexual stimulation via the clitoris and tongue. Intercourse rarely brings a woman to complete orgasm, but clitoral stimulation and tongue stimulation, namely cunnilingus, fellatio, and deep passionate kissing, can. Intercourse is too damaging to a woman’s body and negates the benefits of the hormones. The more a woman uses her tongue when engaged in sex, the greater her stimulation.”
                                                            --Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress

The Taoist would never use alcohol to get drunk.  Alcohol is much harder on women than on men.  Women who drink excessively age much faster than those who don’t. That said, the Taoist found that there was a restorative quality in peaches when they were fermented. This created an elixir that would stimulate blood circulation and bring a heightened euphoric state. It also helped to firm the breasts and tighten the vagina as well as being an excellent preventive medicine for all heart concerns. It had many benefits for men as well.
I have tried making peach brandy myself but with very little luck. However, I have discovered a delicious peach liquer made in France from only hand picked peaches. The name is Mathilde and I have found it in most liquor stores. It is recommended that women take one shot glass full a day. It’s also excellent for both men and women to take a shot glass or two before Tantric practices.

The use of tea has always been an intregal part in the daily lives of the eastern world.  Aromatic teas mixed with ginger and orange helped to increase energy, improve circulation and detoxify the body. Jasmine green tea contains more health promoting anti-oxidants than wine, vegetables and 21 fruits. With a distinctly sweet aroma, Jasmine aids in digestion, freshening the breath and is prized for its slimming and cholesterol reducing properties.

           “A common cry in today’s fast-moving society is the plea to bring the
           sacred back into everyday life…we are aware there is something missing
            in our lives, but we don’t know how to reclaim it…When we talk of the
            sacredness of water, we try to encourage people to view water as magical,
           mysterious, an all-powerful substance that gives us life.
                                    --The Healing Energies of Water by Charlie Ryrie

Our bodies are made up of about 75% water. The brain is also made up of 75% water. Water is the most yin of substances and as such is the most healing. This is why Taoists began many of their love making and massage sessions with some form of water therapy. Water helps to clean our bodies, minds, and psyche, of the day’s stress. The softness of the water soothes muscles and joints, opens the pours and begins to create the act of receptivity and relaxation. Both of these qualities are essential in the revitalization process and help to make the Healing Tao Massage more effective.


Aromatherapy has become a highly recognized form of stress relief therapy in the last 50 years.  It is known that the odors we smell have a significant impact on how we feel. In dealing with patients who have lost the sense of smell, doctors have found that a life without fragrance can lead to a high incidence of psychiatric problems such as anxiety and depression. Smell enters through cilia (the fine hairs lining the nose) to the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls our moods, emotions, memory, and learning. For instance, studies with brain wave frequencies have shown that smelling lavender increases the alpha waves in the back of the head which are associated with relaxation.
Aromatherapy works almost immediately to calm and relax the mind.  Having a bath before a massage session decreases the more active yang energy of the day and brings a person into softer receptive yin energy. The yin (water) has already begun to work its magic. A relaxing bath also makes the transition from the outside world to the massage table a lot more effective. And a clean body is a lovely way to begin a massage.

Baths also help restore the body’s memory of youthfulness as it brings back the childhood sensations of being bathed  by a loving, nurturing caregiver. The bath ceremony is sensual, relaxing, and a enjoyable way to begin to build trust and comfort prior to a massage.


In many eastern cultures the bathing of the feet had great significance.  It was a way of showing honor and respect to a guest or loved one. Reflexology points on the feet connect to the organs of the body, including the eyes, ears, and brain. Bathing the feet relaxes the mind and the body and begins to bring a person into more receptive yin energy. The foot bath also had positive psychological and emotional effects. For a man to have a woman kneel before him and bath and massage his feet makes him feel like a king. In my practice, it also gives me a chance to harmonize my energies with my client’s before beginning the massage. This allows for greater trust and comfort in our session.

"The biggest distinguish-ment is in just her demeanor.  Anybody who gets lucky enough to be massaged in this manner starts understanding the difference between going to a massage parlor or to a massage therapist as opposed to going to a Tantric Healing masseuse, the whole giving and the energy and the passion that’s involved is so much different than someone who is doing it just for money.”

            You, I consider the most adorable
            With your springtime skirt revealing your thighs
            Bringing pain to my passion
            Your waist resembles a supple willow
            Your fragrance is like the orchid
            And your face, like a flower
            There is not one bit of difference!
            Night and day my thoughts are of you
            When shall we imbibe the Ambrosia, Ambrosia?
            Even one moment of this spring night
            A thousand gold pieces could never buy!
--Quoted from Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress
             by Hsi Lai

From the White Tigress Manual:
            Sexual energy is the reason a human is born,
            Lack of sexual energy is the reason a human dies.
            Within this sexual energy is the secret not only of health
               but of immortality as well.
            In men the secret lies in conservation and retention of sexual energy.
            In women the secret lies in its development and activity.
            Lao Tzu himself states,
                        “The mysterious female is inexhaustible. How the
                        Yellow Emperor achieved immortality and how
                        Western Royal Mother achieved immortality
                        cannot be compared.  Each has its own path,           
                        each seeks the other’s essence to become complete.”
            The male retains, the female absorbs.
            Heaven [male] creates, Earth [female] is receptive.
            The male is active, and so seeks stillness.  The female is still
                and so seeks activity—each must acquire the essence of
                the other to be complete.
            The yin absorbs the yang, the yang absorbs the yin—this
                secret is so simple it goes unnoticed and undetected.
            Like all of nature, it must fuse and intermingle with its opposite
                to achieve growth and potential, as a tree cannot exist
                without both sun and water, humans cannot exist without
                sexual energy.  Immortality can only be achieved through
                    the disciplined use of sexually energy.

Again, I thank the Dakini Arorah Hsien Hsuan , the author of much of the above information.  Much more can be found on her website at: